Matthew 4.12 - 5.2 –

The Sermon on the Mount 1: Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven Is at Hand!


The kingdom of heaven is at hand!” This announcement was behind everything Jesus said and did. If the kingdom of heaven is at hand, people need to know what the kingdom is, what its coming means, and what they need to do. That’s why Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount.


The kingdom of heaven is the kingdom of God. Saying “kingdom of heaven” instead of “kingdom of God” was the typical Jewish way of avoiding saying “God” out of reverence for his name.

The kingdom of heaven is where God’s will is done. “Kingdom of heaven” doesn’t refer to a kingdom that is up in heaven, (how could such a kingdom “come”?), but a kingdom whose source and pattern is heaven. For the kingdom to “come” is for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. The goal of the kingdom is the joining of heaven and earth under the reign and blessing of God.

Jewish kingdom movements in the time of Jesus. The coming of the kingdom of heaven meant revolution on earth, but what kind of revolution? Most Jews were eager for the chance to revolt against Rome, and Jesus grew up amongst many revolutionary kingdom movements. Added to this was Israel’s understanding of her destiny as God’s special people. It just couldn’t be right for pagans to rule over her. Moreover, God had promised to rescue and restore Israel, at which time God would become king over Israel and the world, bringing justice and peace. They longed for the kingdom of heaven and were prepared to die for it.

Jesus’ kingdom announcement: The coming of the kingdom means hope and danger. Jesus is announcing that the longed for kingdom of heaven is bearing down on them like a rushing locomotive. Jesus is calling on everyone to wake up and get on board. The approaching kingdom represents danger as well as hope. The kingdom will not bring peace for those who are thwarting peace, perverting it.

Jesus’ kingdom announcement: Repent! Repent means turn around and go the opposite direction. Jesus believed the Jews were headed in the wrong direction. The kingdom of heaven meant revolution, but the Jews had the wrong kind of revolution in mind – violent overthrow of Rome and the establishment of Jewish supremacy. That kind of revolution really isn’t revolutionary; it is commonplace. It is the way of the death-darkened world. Israel was called to enlighten the world, not to deepen the darkness.

A dawning light: A revolutionary revolution. The kingdom of heaven is truly revolutionary. That’s why Matthew says that Jesus’ ministry launching the kingdom of heaven was fulfilling Isaiah’s prophesy of a brilliant light dawning on those who dwelt in darkness (Isa 9). This same prophesy goes on to speak about the child to be born, whose name would be Wonderful Counselor . . . , on whose shoulder the government would rest and who would know no end to the increase of his government or of peace.

True repentance. Jesus’ call for repentance means more than personal repentance for private sins; it means turning around as a people. It is also a warning that judgment is coming on those who dig in their heels and cling to their own version of the kingdom. God will give them over to their own brand of revolution, their own brand of kingdom, and they will end up with Romans trampling Jerusalem.

Calling disciples. Jesus calls two sets of fishermen as his first disciples, telling them that he will make them fishers of men. Jesus is alluding to the gospel of the kingdom going out to the nations. (In Bible topology, the Gentiles are associated with the sea.)

Healing the multitudes. Jesus heals the multitudes. But he isn’t just a healer. His healings are a sign that the kingdom of heaven is breaking into the world with power.

The kingdom and Gideon’s victory over Midian. Isaiah’s prophesy the dawn of victory and promises a victory like the one Gideon won over Midian with a handful of unarmed warriors (Isa 9.4). The coming of the king and the kingdom means a much bigger victory of the same sort – a handful of unarmed disciples conquering the world.

How can Jesus’ disciples be an active part of the kingdom? How can they draw people to the kingdom like Jesus did? The people of the kingdom will not be distinguished by instantaneous, miraculous healings, but by a total life of healing. And when the disciples live the life of the kingdom, they will draw greater crowds and heal more people than Jesus did.